Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Saturday

This weekend Southeast Texas has had some pretty weather. Cory played with his ball outside with daddy. He was just running around everywhere and having so much fun. The weather was so beautiful not too cool, but not too hot just right! They were literally outside for a couple of hours and boy was he wore out. Needless to say he slept like an angel last night. :)

So after a day of playing outside we ate dinner over at my parents house. Boiled shrimp, potatoes,corn and snow crab was what was for dinner! (YUMMMY) Boy was that food good too. Well Cory got to play even more, this time with his cousins. The sun was setting and I thankfully took my camera and snapped some BEAUTIFUL pictures of the gorgeous sunset once again. This time it was just out in my parents backyard. I have never seen such a more beautiful site in the whole time I had lived on that property.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just look at my crazy little boy. I promise I did not put that on him and take the picture. Unfortunately he found it on the couch this morning from when I took it off last night. He thought it was a hat I guess and put it on his head.I could not stop laughing to get up and get my camera so I had to snap one with my phone. (thats why the picture SUCKS) He really is the silliest little thing ever. Oh how I can't wait until he get older so I can show him and future girlfriends of his.

We also had a playdate with my friend Taylor and her 8 month old little boy Jayden. This is a picture from the last time they came over to our house. Cory has so much fun playing with him, but he does try to get a little too rough. He is sweet to him though, always trying to give him hugs. All in all it was a good day except for one tantrum Cory threw. I think the TERRIBLE TWO's are coming way too soon.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Good Weekend

This weekend was pretty low key. Cory still wasn't feeling too good. He had been stopped up and runny nose for a couple of days. We did go grab a bite to eat at a local mexican Restraunt. Then we headed to the mall to pick up cory some new shoes that he deperately needed. Well we enede up getting 2 pairs- soem cute KSwiss and Nike's. We headed home and when Daddy took his shoes off our little guy decided he wanted to wear Daddy's big boy shoes oh and his hat. I then let him wear it today while I took some cute pics!

Over the weekend I had a project that I've been wanting to do for a while. I finally got the sewing machine back from my mom and i made a cute lil cover for my camera strap. I've seen this on the internet before like on Mckmama's blog. I thought to myself that I could make one of those easy. I did it! I Love it too! I made a patteren and whipped one up!!! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day sunset

Cordaro and I went to the movies to see Dear John (really good movie) for Valentine's Day. I snapped this picture on the way there. It was around 5:30 or so and the sun wasstarting to set down behind the clouds. It is so beautiful, I can't get over how beautiful it is!!!! Happy Late Valentines Day everyone!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl XLIV Sunday!!

Well our team lost the Super Bowl. We love the Colts and Peyton Manning!! We had so much faith in them I even made us all shirts for the big game. there's always next year I guess!!!! Good game though!! here are some pictures of us in our matching family Colts shirts!!! Aren't we so adorable???

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Well this whole week it has been really rainy and cold here ( SE Texas). We have been staying in,but tomorrow it should be nice and if it is we are going to Hobby Lobby because I'm making Cory and his Daddy Colts T-Shirts!! We are super excited for the Super Bowl because The Colts are our Team We LOVE them!! GO Colts!! Cory can catch a football and say touchdown when he does it!! I think we definately have a football player on our hands maybe even a Quarterback seeing as he loves to throw it too. :) NFL here we come!! :)

Here some pics of Cory being silly last night I just had snap some. He was putting the blanket over his head where he couldn't see. Then he would walk with his hands up trying to feel where he was! It was so funny we were laughing so hard!